What is the great question of life? It is the question: “Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life?” This question is the foundation for the development of all philosophies. It is the question behind all religion. Even the scientist, looking to unlock the laws governing the ever-unfolding universe asks: “Why am I?” This is the question of all people everywhere throughout all time.
Obstacles to finding right responses to this question arise when we look for the answer outside of ourselves, especially when, not finding it, we gradually begin to ignore the question altogether. The answer to finding the purpose of our existence is simple and straight-forward when we look within ourselves. Each one of us is individually and intimately connected to the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. Our consciousness is part of the Universal Consciousness. When we search within ourselves, entering the silence and allowing the Infinite to flow through us, we discover our own singular answer. When we accept who we truly are, the answer is obvious. We are the individual channel through which the Infinite expresses itself. As explained in The Power of Attraction, our free will to choose empowers and enables us to create. What we choose to create can glorify Infinite Intelligence. What we choose to create can contribute to the continuous expression of a constantly unfolding cosmos. The answer is delivered to us through inspiration which, like fine-tuning a radio for perfect reception of our favorite station, is simply the art of adjusting the individual mind to that of the Universal Mind. We become a channel for the flow of infinite wisdom. All great things come through recognition. The scepter of power is consciousness and thought is its messenger. This messenger is constantly forming the realities of the invisible world of thought into the conditions and environments of our objective world. Thinking is the true business of life and power is the result. We are constantly and continuously involved with the mystical and miraculous power of thought and consciousness. The essence of the Universal is within you. When you perceive this reality, you begin to feel your own power and you begin to act; to do things. This perception gives vitality to thought. It is the fuel that fires the imagination. You are an agent of visualization. Imagination is your workshop. Thought is creative vibration and the quality of the conditions you create will depend on the quality of your thought. Every time you think you start a train of causation which will create a condition in strict accordance with the quality of thought which originated it. The Universal acts through the individual. We are the channel of this activity. It is within us. Become the mechanism through which the Creative acts. Be, do and have. To learn more, read “The Power of Attraction: How to Apply the Law of Attraction to Create the Life You Want.”
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Steven ClaysenSteven Claysen was born in Columbus, Ohio. He is the founder of DeepEnd Enterprises, a third tier marketing company. He also works as a debt consultant and financial advisor. Archives
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