Would you like to possess tremendous personal power?
Would you like to be trusted, respected and loved? Would you like people to treat you better? The good news is all of this can be yours! The answer to obtaining these qualities as well as many others is the secret of the Boomerang Principle. An aboriginal boy from the bush country of Australia said to his father, “I’d like to get a new boomerang, but I can’t get rid of the one I already have.” The Boomerang Principle states that whatever we throw out to life, we receive in return. The greatest teacher who ever lived, and the greatest expert in human relations, made this statement: “Do to others what you would have them do to you.” This is a principle we can rely on. It is one of the most powerful combination of words in the human language. It was taught centuries before Jesus actually articulated those powerful words. Confucius, Zoroaster and Mohammed all proclaimed the same idea. It was been practiced by the most successful people on the planet and yet, to the majority of the human population, this principle remains a largely unused and underappreciated mystery. We are human magnets. Our actions, attributes and even our inner and secret thoughts attract in kind. Like begets like. When we categorically comprehend the principle of action and reaction, we can stimulate any desired response in others. If we want smiles, we give smiles. If we want others to like us, we first like them. If we want to speak poorly of someone behind their back, we can expect a magnified retaliation in response. ![]()
Applying the Boomerang Principle is essential to changing your thinking and changing your life. In The Lehrman Project I explain that creating powerful changes “requires expanding your ideas and imagination about the person you are and the person you would like to become. It is about rising above your current situation, with its limitations and problems, and seeing yourself living the life you desire. This type of thinking requires practice.
“In developing effective relationships with a spouse, a co-worker, your children or anyone else for that matter, your commission is to monitor, manage and control your thinking. One of the paramount qualifications you can acquire in this life is the ability to effectively communicate, negotiate, influence, and persuade other people. This ability is characterized by an elevated compassion, sensitivity and awareness of the thoughts, feelings, motivations, and desires of the people around you… “Keep your words and thoughts clearly and completely focused on the type of relationship you really want. At the same time, you must refuse to think about what you don’t want. Your primary intention should always be to make positive subconscious communication a habitual way of thinking.” You can learn more about how to do this here. The Boomerang Principle has possibilities in both good and bad. In fact, this powerful principle has sometimes been referred to as the law of retaliation. It involves the ancient philosophy of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” except the response is usually magnified and multiplied considerably. For instance, if one nation attacks another, the attacked nation will usually respond with increased force and destruction. This concept works on individuals as well. If I insult you to your face, you will likely throw a bigger insult to mine. But if I am gracious toward you, you will most likely be gracious in return. When we apply force and push others around, we will receive evil for evil, gossip for gossip, animosity for animosity multiplied and increased. When we do good to those who wish to harm us, we disarm and we dominate. As Lincoln said: “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” The Boomerang Principle contains a power that is too strong for people to resist. It conquers every resistance it encounters. When we learn how to use it effectively, it will change our lives for the better. Try this formula for thirty days. Send kindness out into the world and watch it boomerang right back to you!
There is a lot of talk about the dangers of distracted driving these days, but have you ever considered the danger of distracted thinking? We all have sidelines, we all have distractions, we all have temptations. Investing our time in these sideline distractions can weaken the power of the Law of Attraction and inhibit our ability to manifest our truest desire.
Have you ever watched a child playing completely content with a certain toy until it sees another child with a different toy? Children often want whatever they see and may drop one perfectly enjoyable plaything as new play options are discovered. We are a lot like children in this respect. We want so many things that we are not constant or loyal to our greatest desires. ![]()
When Thomas Edison was asked how he achieved so many successes he responded: “It’s very simple. You and I each have eighteen hours a day. You spend those eighteen hours doing a number of unrelated things. I spend it doing just one thing.”
If you want to achieve anything through the Law of Attraction you must learn to focus. Get one specific desire in your mind and in your heart. Let it flow through every aspect of your being. Forget the distractions, temptations and sidelines. Move with full power toward the one thing you want most. An old military strategy asserted: “Divide and conquer.” Armies are weak when they are divided. So are individuals. If our time and efforts are divided among too many desires, we will be unable to concentrate and manifest our biggest aspirations as easily as if we focus that concentration on one specific manifestation. Distractions always drive us away from the main purpose of our lives. As Ralph Waldo Emerson stated: “The one prudence in life is concentration; the one evil dissipation.” A strong desire and a specific purpose imbue the Law of Attraction with greater power. This is a natural principle. “Where your treasure is,” taught Matthew in the New Testament, “there will your heart be also.” To achieve any positive result through the Law of Attraction, we must have our hearts set on our greatest desire. We will always produce a result. We need to assure ourselves that it is the result we are hoping for by focusing particularly on that one desire. In The Power of Attraction I wrote: "There is a vast difference between simply thinking and actually directing your thoughts consciously. Thought is creative and will automatically correlate with the object of your thinking and bring it into manifestation." You’ve probably heard the expression, “jack of all trades,” but remember that a jack of all trades is a master of none. If we are trying to manifest several different things at the same time, we will send our subconscious thoughts scattering in every direction. If we focus all our thoughts and efforts on one desire, our subconscious will seek out that desire with laser-like pinpoint accuracy. The power of wholehearted, one-directional focus can become the most valuable asset in our lives. ![]()
When it comes to the Law of Attraction, it really is the thought that counts. Our greatest strength lies in the creative powers of the mind. As I explained in an earlier post, the mind is like a garden. We either cultivate useful, beautiful plants (thoughts) purposely or we allow negative, destructive plants to thrive there by default.
Harvard psychologist, William James, developed what he has called the 'as if' principle. The 'as is' principle states that if you wish to possess something, an emotion, a qualification, a lifestyle, etc., act 'as if' you already had it. Let it get ahold of you. Let it possess you. Infuse you mind with the thought that you are already have it. As Shakespeare said: "Assume a virtue if you have it not." No one has ever determined just how far the mind can go in shaping our circumstances. Every thought we think has an impact on our personality and, consequently, on our success or failure at achieving the things we desire. When we express these thoughts in words, we significantly increase the force and power of our thinking. We are, ultimately, what we believe and feel. King Solomon wrote that we are what we think in our hearts. People can make themselves sick simply by thinking that they are sick. Wouldn't it also be true that you could make yourself healthy by thinking healthy thoughts? Or wealthy by thinking prosperous thoughts? Or confident by thinking confidently about yourself? The British Army once tested the power of thinking on three individuals. They selected three men to determine the power of mental attitude on physical performance. The strength of these men was tested using a simple gripping device. Under normal circumstances, the three men had a gripping strength of about 100 pounds. A scientist then put them under hypnosis and made them believe that they were very weak. Under these conditions their best effort only registered an average of 39 pounds. Still under hypnosis, the scientist told the three men that they were actually very strong. Their average grip rose to 142 pounds. When these men believed in themselves, their strength increased by nearly 300% over when they thought they were weak. It is significantly important what and how we think! The power of suggestion is tremendous. To gain anything in life, we should cultivate and think and act the things we would like to be. When we have the energy to choose our own fate, we can obtain any desire we have in life if we pursue it. Arthur Simons wrote that "there is no dream that may not come true." ![]()
In The Lehrman Project I wrote of a concept known as Tabula Rasa. In this section I mention that "when you believe something to be true, it becomes true for you, no matter what the facts may indicate to the contrary. Everything you are today is the result of an idea or an impression you took in and accepted as true....When you change the way you think and feel about yourself and your world, then the world around you changes."
The largest ocean cannot sink even the smallest ship unless the water gets inside it. Allowing negative thinking into your mind is no different than poisoning your own drinking water. It is destructive and dangerous. When weak, negative, destroying thoughts get into our insides, we are in trouble and sinking fast. It is mental suicide. The best road to success in any endeavor is to dream big, think big and give substance to your thoughts by acting big, by acting 'as if'. When our actions and attitudes reflect our passions and desires, we saturate ourselves with the power of attraction and then nothing can be withheld from us. This is the 'As If' principle. "If you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking." -- William James |
Steven ClaysenSteven Claysen was born in Columbus, Ohio. He is the founder of DeepEnd Enterprises, a third tier marketing company. He also works as a debt consultant and financial advisor. Archives
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